Wednesday 9 February 2011

::Lil Indian Angel::

I have been wearing this hair for the past few days and I just love it! It has the lovely look of a Native American Indian with a modern feel to it.  I have been wearing my white dress and cute boots, which I think makes me look like a modern lil indian girl!! Smexy....woot wooot even if I do say so myself.  I added a tattoo make-up layer that I had in my inventory I just think that helped finish the look.

In this picture I was playing with different effects....but thought to show you exactly what I was wearing I would post another here it is.

Hair: Raw House Lola Lone Wolf - Soil
Dress: ARGRACE Chiffon Tunic - Simple White
Boots: Surf Couture Olea Worn 
Skin: Laqroki Vilda Nougat Glow Skin
Face Tattoo: MONS Face Tattoo Soldier 

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