Saturday 11 December 2010

Missing In Action

I just wanted to quickly make this post.  I have recently been a loner in Sl spending a lot of my time in the sky alone or with one very special companion but recently I have been fortunate to come across a couple of lovely ladies.  For me it is great when you meet genuinely nice and friendly people it reminds me why I found myself on Sl in the first place. I think I have became saddened on there recently, mainly because of other peoples behaviours and how they treat people. I think Sl is full of people that just want to boost their own ego's, which to me is pathetic....yes real feelings play a part in Sl but after all it is a Virtual World and to me merely a game.  Yes we all have our own opinions and experiences but I honestly feel kindness costs nothing.  For me the shallowness of Sl became apparent when I had started a job (now I don't really know what I was thinking). I had the experience of having a manager talking to me like dirt whilst I sat thinking good lord do I really need this on a place I am trying to have fun...does RL not offer us enough hardships as it is.  Anyway this is just my opinion and as it is my blog and some what of a therapeutic diary...I am saying what I want to!

I am just glad that from day to day I come across like minded people who also follow a simple rule..treat others how you like to be treated...not hard and surely just common courtesy and basic manners.

Anyway..RANT over lol

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